
admin 提交于 周日, 12/01/2024 - 13:03





邮箱: zhilipatynu.edu.cn

主要研究方向为碳基纳米材料的可控、宏量制备及其在生物医学、光电器件及环境监测与保护等方向的应用和开发。近年以第一/主要通讯作者在Advanced Materials, Coordination Chemistry ReviewsAnalytical ChemistryNano EnergySmallACS Sensors CarbonAdvanced Healthcare Materials等国际期刊上发表论文40余篇,其中ESI热点论文1篇,ESI高被引论文6篇。论文累计被引用4700余次,h-index 31 (Google Scholar数据)。受邀担任SCI期刊International Journal of Molecular SciencesProcesses”“Frontiers in Nanotechnology的客座编辑和多个国际主流学术期刊如Nature CommunicationsAngewandte ChemieCoordination Chemistry ReviewsAdvanced Science, Advanced Functional Materials, Advanced Optical Materials, Analytical Chemistry等的审稿人/仲裁审稿人;同时也是波兰国家科学中心基金项目特邀评审专家。



1.     2018.11–现在,      云南大学,材料与能源学院,副研究员

2.     2016.08 – 2018.08,迈阿密大学,纳米科学研究中心,博士后

3.     2015.08 – 2016.05,佛罗里达国际大学,化学及生物化学系, 讲师 (lecturer)

4.     2014.08 – 2016.08,迈阿密戴德学院,化学、物理和地球科学系,客座教授

5.     2009.08 – 2014.08,迈阿密大学,化学系,博士

6.     2005.08 – 2009.07,中国科学技术大学,化学物理系,学士



1. 科研



2. 教学





       (1)  Chunyu Ji, Fanhao Zeng, Wenjun Xu, Minjie Zhu, Hongchun Yu, Han Yang, and Zhili Peng*. Hydrogen Bond-Mediated Self-Assembly of Carbon Dots Enabling Precise Tuning of Particle and Cluster Luminescence for Advanced Optoelectronic Applications. Adv. Mater. 2024, 2414450.

       (2)  Wenjun Xu; Fanhao Zeng; Qiurui Han; Zhili Peng*. Recent advancements of solid-state emissive carbon dots: A review. Coord. Chem. Rev. 2024, 498, 215469.

       (3)  Wenjun Xu; Qiurui Han; Chunyu Ji; Fanhao Zeng; Xingshou Zhang; Jiwen Deng; Changsheng Shi; Zhili Peng*. Solid-State, Hectogram-Scale Preparation of Red Carbon Dots as Phosphor for Energy-Transfer-Induced High-Quality White LEDs with CRI of 97. Small 2023, 19, 52, 2304123 (Back Cover Paper).

       (4)  Chunyu Ji; Wenjun Xu; Qiurui Han; Tianshu Zhao; Jiwen Deng; Zhili Peng*. Light of Carbon: Recent Advancements of Carbon Dots for LEDs. Nano Energy 2023, 114, 108623 (ESI Highly Cited Paper).

       (5)  Yuxiang Jiang; Zhuomin Tan; Tianshu Zhao; Jiajia Wu; Ya Li; Yinnong Jia*; Zhili Peng*. Indocyanine green derived carbon dots with significantly enhanced properties for efficient photothermal therapy. Nanoscale 2023, 15, 1925 (Nanoscale Most Popular 2023 Article).

       (6)  Chunyu Ji; Qiurui Han; Yiqun Zhou; Jiajia Wu; Wenquan Shi; Lipeng Gao; Roger M. Leblanc; Zhili Peng*. Phenylenediamine-derived near infrared carbon dots: The kilogram-scale preparation, formation process, photoluminescence tuning mechanism and application as red phosphors. Carbon 2022, 192, 198 (ESI Highly Cited Paper).

       (7)  Yiqun Zhou; Keenan J Mintz; Ling Cheng; Jiuyan Chen; Braulio CLB Ferreira; Sajini D Hettiarachchi; Piumi Y Liyanage; Elif S Seven; Nikolay Miloserdov; Raja R Pandey; QuirogaBruno; Patricia L. Blackwelder; Charles C. Chusuei; Shanghao Li; Zhili Peng*; Roger M. Leblanc*. Direct conjugation of distinct carbon dots as Lego-like building blocks for the assembly of versatile drug nanocarriers. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 2020, 576, 412 (Inner Cover Paper).

       (8)  Chunyu Ji; Yiqun Zhou; Roger M. Leblanc*; Zhili Peng*. Recent developments of carbon dots in biosensing: a review. ACS Sensors 2020, 5, 2724 (ESI Highly Cited Paper).


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